

Climate Tagger for Drupal & CKAN

29.11.2014 , , ,

We are happy to announce as follows:
REEEP​ ​[​1]​ and CTCN​ ​[2] have recently launched Climate Tagger, a new tool to automatically scan, label, sort and catalogue datasets and document collections. 
For the Open Data and Linked Open Data communities (beside others), a Climate Tagger plugin for CKAN​ ​has been published​ together with a Drupal Module. The CKAN plugin was developed by NREL​ ​[​3] and the Drupal version by SWC [4] in cooperation with CTCN’s support, harnessing the same taxonomy and expert vetted thesaurus behind the Climate Tagger, helping connect open data to climate compatible content through the simultaneous use of these tools. The whole system is based on SWCs PoolParty Semantic Suite [5].
[1] Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership, 
[2] Climate Technology Centre and Network, 
[3] NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC 
[4] SWC, Semantic Web Company, 
[5] PoolParty Semantic Suite, see:


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